Sean and Dave want to know if you have you ever had the following thought, "I'd love to adapt a Black Comedy anthology that used to be a 1950's comic book, that then HBO adapted into a live action show, but I want to remove all the sex, perversion, and gore, so kids can watch it!"   Extremely relatable, huh?   Well, that's exactly what the CBS Saturday morning cartoon block of programming did in the 90's with Tales from the Cryptkeeper.  
If you were ever a fan of the HBO series in the 90's then you'll remember each show was had an introduction from the Cryptkeeper himself.  So, how would you do this type of intro for a children's cartoon?  Well, you'd pepper in nothing but "Dad jokes" and bad puns.  How will Sean react to the idea of Werewolf tea?  Will Dave finally become a franchise owner for a health food store?   All of this and more on this week's episode of Saturday Mourning Cartoons! 
This week's episode is brought to you by "thoughts."  Thoughts are the things that happen in your brain!  "Think'em, think'em real good!" 
Join us next week as the SMC crew has special guest comedian Evan Valentine on the show to finish up our CBS Saturday morning cartoon block with the non so covert WildC.A.T.s!