On today’s Collider Mailbag (February 17, 2019), John Rocha and Dorian Parks answer the following questions from the Collider fans:

1. If the avengers time travel back to the battle of new York will/should cap save agent coulson from loki, after all he wouldnt need to die to round the team up n cap was his childhood hero

2. With the four new Marvel animated shows being produced for Hulu, do you think it was a good move for Disney/Marvel to put them on Hulu’s service and not save them for the Disney Streaming service that’s coming out?

3. I’m a fan from the uk here, my question is regarding how you deal with all the trolls and rude people on social media?

4. Why Is #TheTrench being made? Does anybody really care about the sea creatures that attacked Aquaman?? With all the right moves in the DCEU lately, doesn’t this seem like a cash grab or a reason just to explore more of Atlantis?

5. Should the X-Men really be done like harry potter and have really young people be the team?

Follow Rocha: https://twitter.com/TheRochaSays

Follow Dorian: https://twitter.com/DorianParksnRec

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