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One alum would take more classes, difficult ones, another would attend all the daily talks (followed by dinner) on campus by renowned experts, and yet another would befriend professors as future collaborators. There’s more.

This episode organizes alumni thoughts on this topic from past episodes, into 6 different buckets, while providing a flavor of their thinking in the form of snippets.

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introducing Episode #300 [0:27]
Learn More, Explore More [2:23]
Start Something Earlier [7:58]
Paying Attention to Relationships [13:03]
Be Involved on Campus [16:58]
Experiential Programs [20:25]
Take Advantage of College Resources [24:31]

Our Guests:

College Alumni featured on our Podcast over the last 3 years.

Memorable Quote: “...I wish I learned that lesson earlier, follow your heart, follow your passions. I felt like keeping that economics double major was, you know, something that would be better for my job prospects or would help please my family more.” Aidan Arasasingham, UCLA.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode Transcript.


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