Instead of trying to say it all in one day, leaders from Michigan’s Transgender community and allies decided to host a six-day free online conference. The hosts of TRANSGENDER DAYS OF EMPOWERMENT will focus on understanding the journey Monday through Friday and on Saturday celebrate a Day of Decision, Declaration, & Doing by taking ownership of our existence and boldly taking one more step forward in our journey of self-actualization and embracing our true selves.

Partnering organizations Transgender Michigan, Inclusive Justice, Sage Metro Detroit, and ACLU Michigan joined with the facilitating organizations – Gender Identity Network Alliance and Transcend the Binary to present the conference.

Nyrobi Willow M'Baku is a member of the Transcend the Binary team she serves as Unity, Outreach, and Advocacy Lead. She will not only talk about her experience as an activist/bridge builder but the conference as well.

Transcend the Binary is BY AND FOR TRANS, NONBINARY, GENDER DIVERSE people. The organization believes that every member of our beautifully vibrant community deserves to self-actualize. The trans-led team provides community care and facilitates healing through social connections.