Title: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection [IGDb] [Wikipedia] (remastered collection of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune [Wikipedia] [IGDb], Uncharted 2: Among Thieves [Wikipedia] [IGDb], and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception [Wikipedia] [IGDb])

Developer(s): Bluepoint GamesNaughty Dog (original games)

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Designers: Amy Hennig (creator; director, Drake's Fortune/Among Thieves/Drake's Deception), Richard Lemarchand (Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves, Drake's Deception), Bruce Straley (director, Among Thieves), Neil Druckmann (writer, Drake's Fortune; Among Thieves), Justin Richmond (director, Drake's Deception), Jacob Minkoff (Drake's Deception)

Platform(s): PlayStation 4PlayStation 3 (original games)

Release date(s): October 8, 2015 (PAL); November 20, 2007 (Drake's Fortune, NA); October 13, 2009 (Among Thieves, NA); November 1, 2011 (Drake's Deception, NA)

PODCAST SHOUTOUT: Nerds Amalgamated (@NAmalgamated)

SHOWNOTES: Welcome to Collateral Gaming Season Two! Now podcasting straight from a brand new studio in San Antonio, TX, we kick off the new season with our thoughts on Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection! This 2015 PlayStation 4 port is a collection of the PS3 action-adventure games Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Ash and Dakota discuss the intricacies of each title—including gameplay, story, and characters; reveal our favor for the series as a whole in its boldly linear gameplay, action movie-reminiscent story, and realism as portrayed through fan favorite protagonist Nathan Drake; and finally briefly talk the sequel Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and its standalone expansion Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, as well as the recently announced prequel movie starring Tom Holland. We hope you enjoy this expedition into a classic polished franchise, and stay tuned for the entirety of Season Two of Collateral Gaming Video Game Podcast!

Collateral Gaming is on Apple Podcasts, Chill Lover Radio, and wherever else you get your podcasts. Also, find us on Patreon; we will have exclusive Let's Play! commentaries on our favorite games soon!

(Collateral Gaming is an LCompany Production. Intro song is a license-free beat composed by Ashley Allen Chancellor in Logic Pro X. News ident is a license-free beat by mansardian. All music and game clips are owned by their respective creators and are used for educational purposes only. Please don’t sue us; we’re poor!)

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