Featured Indie Movie Review: Autumn Never Dies [Wikipedia] [IMDb]

PROMO: Trial by Error Variety Show (@tbevarietyshow)

SHOWNOTES: Welcome, listeners, to the not-too-distant future somewhere in time and space, where hosts Beau and Robert hang out on the Satellite of Love and list their top 5 all time favorite episodes of one of the greatest television series ever made: Mystery Science Theater 3000! From the ridiculousness that is Pod People, to the undeniable swagger of Joe Don Baker's Mitchell, we tackle 5 amazing episodes of MST3K goodness! After that, we review the brand-new comedy/drama short Autumn Never Dies, sent to us by way of Suited Caribou Media (@SuitedCaribou) as part of our ongoing Indie Movie review series; will we like what we see? Stick around to find out!

You can find both Collateral Cinema and the Director's Cut on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Chill Lover Radio, iHeartRadio and wherever else you get your podcasts. Also follow us on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook, subscribe to us on YouTube, and look for us on Patreon and Podchaser.

(Collateral Cinema Director's Cut is an LCompany Production. Intro/outro song is a license-free beat. All music and movie clips are owned by their respective creators and are used for educational purposes only. Please don’t sue us; we’re poor!)

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