Welcome back to the Director's Cut! We're once again bringing you movies from our personal DVD collections and elsewhere that we feel should be viewed by all! Our choices this time takes you through many of our favorite 90's classics, as well as a classic Italian horror flick, as well as a timeless arthouse classic by the director of Funny Games, so gather around, and take note of these interesting movie pics from hosts Robert and Beau!

Collateral Cinema Director's Cut is on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Chill Lover Radio, YouTube and Wherever you get your podcasts. Also, find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and become a patron on Patreon!

(Collateral Cinema Director's Cut is an LCompany production. All music & movie clips are owned by their respective creators & are used for educational purposes only; please don't sue us, we're poor!)