It's only in recent years that the gaming industry has become louder, more vocal, and more visible. But in quieter times, David Jaffe led the charge when it came to what we today term "being a personality." Jaffe is most famous for being the driving force behind Twisted Metal (pardon the pun), and was the director and creative visionary behind the original God of War, too. These days, however, Mr. Jaffe lives a quieter and more subdued life. We got together in his hometown of San Diego for a candid chat about video games, video game development, and video game journalism, not to mention politics, spirituality, and much more. It turns out putting two guys well-known for speaking their minds in the same room is a good idea.

(You may notice that the audio quality is different than usual. This episode was recorded in a friend's studio using his equipment, and I'm grateful for that opportunity. -Colin)