Good news! Jake and Scott have finally recorded another Sabaton Special! Join us as we listen to and comment on the second song on Sabaton's Spotify most popular list, To Hell and Back. This is a catchy song about the American military hero, Audie Murphy. During World War II Audie Murphy won every medal available at the time, including the medal of honor, and some of them multiple times. Unbelievable story after unbelievable story make him an excellent topic of study, especially if you're interested in WWII. Thank you Sabaton to highlighting this special man, this song has been a joy to study.



Song in Spotify

Sabaton in Spotify

Sabaton dot net


IMDb - Audie Murphy

IMDb - To Hell and Back

Amazon - To Hell and Back

Colmar Pocket


Special thanks to:

No Dumb Questions


Coldbow social media: 




Good news! Jake and Scott have finally recorded another Sabaton Special! Join us as we listen to and comment on the second song on Sabaton's Spotify most popular list, To Hell and Back. This is a catchy song about the American military hero, Audie Murphy. During World War II Audie Murphy won every medal available at the time, including the medal of honor, and some of them multiple times. Unbelievable story after unbelievable story make him an excellent topic of study, especially if you're interested in WWII. Thank you Sabaton to highlighting this special man, this song has been a joy to study.



Song in Spotify

Sabaton in Spotify

Sabaton dot net


IMDb - Audie Murphy

IMDb - To Hell and Back

Amazon - To Hell and Back

Colmar Pocket


Special thanks to:

No Dumb Questions


Coldbow social media: 




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