Dr. Haytham Kaafarani is a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital. We caught up with him after he recently gave a phenomenal talk at the Canadian Surgical Forum in Vancouver earlier this year. Dr. Kaafarani talked about his work in Lebanon after the explosion in 2020, his research on intra operative adverse events, and ultimately on his work as surgeons as second victims. This episode is a clarion call for surgeons everywhere to develop these support systems for each other. 


1. Intraoperative Adverse Events in Abdominal Surgery: What Happens in the Operating Room Does Not Stay in the Operating Room. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27805961/

2. Derivation and validation of a novel severity classification for intraoperative adverse events. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24702887/

3. The Surgeon as the Second Victim? Results of the Boston Intraoperative Adverse Events Surgeons' Attitude (BISA) Study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28093300/

4. Design and Impact of a Novel Surgery-Specific Second Victim Peer Support Program. https://journals.lww.com/journalacs/abstract/2020/06000/design_and_impact_of_a_novel_surgery_specific.16.aspx