Healthcare has always been slow to change, and adoption of digital health solutions has been no different.

When it comes to advances in technology and digital solutions, we sometimes tend to put the cart before the horse - that is, we go in with a solution, without first asking the questions.

A digital health solution can phel drive adoption, support, guide or even act as a network. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Dr. Lloyd Hymphreys is an expert on digital health, and he’s here to explain why digital health is not a one-size-fits-all solution and how, when we make assumptions, we end up trying to solve problems that don’t exist. And that can be a big problem when commercializing.

Assumptions are like windows - if we don’t scrub them off every once in a while, the sun will never come in - and Dr. Humphreys is here to put his expertise to work and help clean those windows.

Here are the show highlights:
Things to do (or not do) when commercializing (1:31)
Key differences in Quality Initiatives (6:09)
Are you trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist? (10:10)
When looking at the opportunities with digital health, don’t forget the risks (13:15)
Digital health is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution (18:56)
Digital health should not be treated as a separate healthcare pathway (24:50)

Guest Bio

Dr. Lloyd Humphreys is the Managing Director at ORCHA, a company that assesses and distributes quality assured digital health solutions.

A proven, highly regarded business and sector leader in digital health, Dr. Humphreys has a passion for helping others scale their digital health solutions.

In addition to being a trained clinical psychologist, Dr. Humphreys also completed an Executive MBA at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.

If you want more information about ORCHA, visit their website at, or if you wish to reach out to Dr. Humphreys, you can find him on LinkedIn @Dr Lloyd Humphreys