Podcasting has revolutionized the way we consume audio, and for that reason, International Podcast Day is a day of celebration. Radio is so twentieth-century! The world moved on from it long ago with podcasting becoming mainstream in recent years to help change this perception around what was once seen as just some '90s relic or dead technology from decades past - but now you're listening on your own time anywhere at any place because who doesn't love podcasts?

I don’t know about y'all out there…but I'm loving my Google Hub while taking advantage today by downloading "Business Casual" where Journalist Nora Ali and comedian Scott Rogowsky ask industry leaders the questions you wish you could ask yourself. Episodes drop every Monday and Thursday. Presented by JobsOhio. This is a reality check podcast where you can really get down to business. 

Find a podcast that you like, and listen. Sometimes it's big names, sometimes it's new faces never seen before. 

#internationalpodcastday #javachatpodcast #podcastingrules



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