Justin Moore is a Sponsorship Coach & the founder of Creator Wizard, a school & community that teaches you how to find & negotiate your dream brand deals so that you stop leaving thousands on the table. Justin has been a full-time creator for over seven years and has personally made over $3M working with brands. Today, he talks about how you can find your dream brand deal and build long-term partnerships.

About Justin’s Business

[04:29] Justin Moore is also known as the Creator Wizard on social Media. His business focuses on helping creators find and negotiate their dream sponsorships.

The Challenge of Finding Good Brands

[11:58] Often, the journey creators come on get a lot of negative experiences. In the beginning, they didn’t know any better, and they felt like they were taken advantage of.

What Brands are looking for in a Creator

[16:30] Many brands don’t care how many followers you have or what your demographics look like. They care about how you can help them with their challenges and solve problems.

The Creator Economy

[19:13] The problem with early or new creators is that they bring a lot of ego into the business when they get into this influencer space. But many brands don’t look at your popularity or status.

Valuing the Expertise, the Brand, and the Audience

[20:33] As creators, our top priority is maintaining a very intimate connection with our followers because we wouldn’t have built the career that we have without our following.

Is it possible for smaller accounts to be successful in the Creator Space?

[22:30] Justin says that it is 100% possible. As a creator, you are the creative services. You edit the content, distribute the content, market the content, and you’re everything.

Justin’s Advice for People starting in the Creator Business

[26:24] Justin says that the moment you publish one post, you are ahead of 99% of people making this a thing and do it as a side hustle.

[28:17] Understand your STP or your Surprising Transformative Promise

Claiming a Title

[42:13] It’s easy to claim to be something. But getting yourself to a point where you evolve into the situation, there’s a lot of genuineness, and it’s more believable.

Augment your Brand Relationships

[49:38] The goal is not to get a brand deal to get that brand to pay you right. The goal is to establish the relationship because the likelihood of you reaching out to the brand during an active recruitment period for a paid campaign is extremely low.

Not Now, But Soon

[59:29] Having that abundance mindset that maybe you don’t get it right now doesn’t mean that you’ll never get anything.

Follow Justin Moore at:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinnmoore/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/creatorwizard

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/branddealintel

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creatorwizard/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/creatorwizard

Website: https://www.creatorwizard.com/


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