Alex is a conservation education assistant at Chester Zoo. We talked about the role zoos can play in global conservation, the controversies surrounding captive animals, the importance of zoos in educating the public on the threats facing wildlife and we also chatted about the work Chester Zoo specifically is doing for wildlife both at the zoo and worldwide. You can find more about Alex's work here: and below are the social media pages of some interesting projects relating to his work:

@LearnatCZ – Chester Zoo education department

@Chesterzoo – general zoo page

@ActforWildlife – field projects page

@ScienceatCZ – science and research page

Follow the podcast on Instagram - @coffee_with_conservationists / follow me - @george_brynmor  on Instagram.

Buy me a Ko-fi and help support local and indigenous coffee growing communities and small, independent coffee shops.

Coffee Notes - Steampunk Coffee

Info -  the farm (Finca Bonanza) is situated in the foothills of the Santa Ana Volcano in western El Salvador. It's owned by Joe Molino and has been producing coffee since the 1950s. 

Origin - El Salvador - Santa Ana region 

Roast Date - 02/01/21

Tasting Notes - Tablet, apple, chocolate

Music - "Heron Island" by Richard Bentley -