Craig Hunter, Jeannie Cagle, Kay Stanley, and Max Reiboldt join Mark to share the history of Coker Group and how the firm was founded. The discussion was recorded live during its presentation to the company as part of the 2018 Coker Group annual meeting.

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The History

Established by Jackson C. Coker in 1987, Coker Group began as a physician relations firm whose purpose was to develop and enhance the relationships between hospitals and their medical staffs. The newly founded company moved into its first offices in 1988 with a small team from Atlanta and California. With extraordinary success and a growing list of hospital clients, Coker strengthened its footing through a focus on building hospital and physician relations through educating physicians and their staffs to improve their operational processes and enhance their business models. Delivering educational programs and assistance with medical practice management became the business model for this young company. Coker began to memorialize its expertise in the mid-‘90s through the publication of materials to enhance practice operations and financial management. Through the years, Coker has worked with national associations and other healthcare societies and entities to complement the work of its consultants with hospitals and physicians.

Under the strong leadership of Max Reiboldt, upon Jack Coker’s retirement in the mid-1990s, Coker Group continued to respond to the needs of hospitals and physicians as healthcare transitioned from one reimbursement paradigm to another through the late 1990s and beyond. During this period, the firm shifted its emphasis from the original physician relations’ services to become a full-fledged healthcare advisory firm. Through its history, the firm has met the complexity and expansion in healthcare that has occurred into the 21st Century. Coker Group holds a notable position as leading business advisors to the healthcare industry, assisting with complex negotiations between hospitals and physicians. Through five main services areas--strategy, operations, finance, technology, and compliance--the firm’s mission is still to provide healthcare organizations with innovative, principled solutions to achieve their optimum level of productivity.

Join us on January 24, 2019, at 2:00 pm, for the live panel discussion, One Month into MACRA!

As part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP) was established and consists of two participation pathways for clinicians: Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (Advanced APMs). CMS has gradually implemented the full scope of MACRA over the past three years, and January 1, 2019, marks the beginning of MIPS adjustments to Medicare Part B fee-for-service revenue. The panel discussion will focus on identifying potential pain points for healthcare organizations as a result of MACRA and review key changes for CY2019 as outlined in the final rule.

Learning Objectives

Identify the potential pain points of full MACRA implementation and outline the first steps organizations should take to alleviate issues. Review the final rule for the quality payment program and how these changes impact APMs and MIPS. Discuss the impact E/M changes will have on reimbursement and physician compensation.

Sign-Up for the Live Event today!


Pictures and Tweets from #CokerLive2018

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