Have you ever wondered just how powerful dancing in the Sun can be for humanity? Are you ready to learn about creating sacred space? Listen right now, to learn a unique history, and probable future—about American Indians—all from a tribal perspective.

I compose these podcasts from my heart and memory. Thank you all for your time and consideration.



If you love, Coffee with an Indian…please, consider subscribing to, Coffee with an Indian_BLACK: The Extended / Raw / R-Rated version of each Episode, available exclusively on Patreon.


Lucentree, LLC



Brian “BB” Melendez, is a Northern / Southern Paiute – Western Shoshone: Community Leader; American Indian Spirituality Scholar; and Practitioner of Great Basin Indigenous Custom(s) and Culture(s); CEO / Problem Solver of Lucentree, LLC; Creator of Mahkwuhoo (Guided-Meditation); and Host of the Coffee with an Indian, Tribal Podcast. 

For Bookings, contact Brian “BB” Melendez directly at (775) 750-8181 or at [email protected]


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