What should you be looking for at an open house? - Market Tuesdays EP_06

I know that most people get excited when looking for their new home, so much that when they go to an open house they are looking to see if they have granite or quartz countertops in the kitchen, if there's marble in the bathroom. The real question is should that be what you are focused on? 

The answer is not completely, obviously the house has to work for you or you have to be willing to put in a renovation to make it work for you. The thing that should also be a focus is the condition of the home and whether or not there is any defects in the home. You should keep your eyes peeled for cracks in the foundation, unwanted smells or if there's candles lit during the open house, cookies baked, if so are they doing that to mask the bad smell? It can be a sign that there's a lot of mold in the home. It doesn't mean there is but something you should look out for. You should be able to ask the agent that's hosting the open house how old the roof is, the air condition, the furnace, has the finished basement been done with a permit. etc....

It is obvious that you should never buy a home without a home inspection being done as you are not going to catch everything, more eyes that see it the better and hiring a professional home inspector does help. Your Agent should be able to refer a reputable one to you. 

I am just stating that some of the things you may look for may help you decide if you are willing to even go as far as an offer if you notice deficiencies or it may help you decide what the price point you believe it's worth paying for.

This of course is just my perspective and what I think from my experiences as a real estate agent, you are free to choose what's important for you. Hope you found this helpful.