Unexpected Surgery & Life Reflections: Why I’ve Been Offline

Hey everyone! So, what's this video about? Today, I want to share what's been going on with me. Some of you might be wondering, "Who is this clown? Why is he popping up on my screen?" Others might think, "Hey, I know you! Haven't seen you in a while. What's been happening?"

Well, here’s the scoop: I had unexpected surgery. Yeah, it was one of those moments where you go in for one thing and find out you need surgery for another. It wasn't a huge deal, just appendicitis, but it was still a shock. Suddenly, they tell you, "Good news, we can fit you in today. Bad news, you might not wake up from the anesthesia." Talk about a life-altering moment, right?

During this time, I had a lot of reflections about life. It made me think about where I want to go and what my mission is. When faced with the possibility of not waking up, you start to question everything. Do I have regrets? Is my life fulfilling? For me, I realized I love my life as it is. Sure, there's more I want to do, but I wouldn't change a thing. This experience put things into perspective.

That’s why I’ve been off social media for a bit. Kind of hard to post when you’re going through all that! But hey, I’m back now. My voice is still a little off, and I’ve got stitches, but I’m here. And I’m ready to move forward, start creating again, and share my journey with you all.

So, the moral of this story? Cherish life, enjoy every moment, and remember that life is happening for you, not to you. Keep moving forward, keep building, and never look back. Always strive to do better. You can do it!

This has been Minute Mondays. Thanks for watching! 🌟✨ #LifeUpdate #Gratitude #KeepMovingForward