🌟 Stop Feeling Bad 🌟

"If you want to stop feeling bad, stop talking about it now. Haven't you ever noticed that sometimes you're out there like we're going to take when you're looking for a car? You go out there, you look for a car, you think that you're getting something that is uncommon because you haven't seen a lot on the road. Like we'll see a red Honda Civic. Now, all of a sudden, you go out and you buy that red Honda Civic and the minute you walk out of that parking lot, what do you see? Dozens of red Honda Civics out of nowhere."

🚗 Keep Your Focus 🚗

"When you feel bad and you keep talking about it, what are you doing? You are pushing that negative emotion forward. You're setting yourself up to continue to think about the negative, to continue to thinking about all the wrong that's happened. Instead of thinking about the positive stuff, instead of thinking about what you're grateful for, instead of thinking about what you have to look forward to, you're focused on what's bad and you keep talking about it. So you keep spreading it."

✨ Be Grateful, Stay Positive ✨

"So what ends up happening? You remain in that negative space. So if you want to stop thinking bad and you want to stop feeling bad. Stop talking about it. And just be grateful. Learn to look forward to the positive things of tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in To Minute Mondays."

#PositiveMindset #Gratitude #FocusOnTheGood #MotivationMonday #SpreadPositivity