Looking For Creative People So Send Me Your Boring Resume - Minute Mondays EP_62

What I noticed out there is that people post "Looking for a Creative Individual" followed by a list of demands that have the same requirements and ways to apply as any other mundane robotic and boring repetitive job asks for.

You want creative but send me a RESUME with Your EDUCATION, JOB EXPERIENCE and BORING Cover letter that is going to be full of horse manure telling me why WHY YOU ARE SO CREATIVE in the most boring and uncreative way possible. 

Although I used job hiring as my example above, it doesn't only apply to getting a job or posting a help wanted post, it also applies to everyday business. How many times do we say that we want to be different and creative to differentiate ourselves from competitors but then do the exact same thing that everyone else is doing? What makes you different? Usual answer, our brand, our logo what we represent. Well let me fill you in on a little secret, the public just sees different colours and doesn't care about your logo, unless they know you already and use you already that's simply not enough.

Best way to move forward is to have a clear definition of who you are, what you represent and what makes you stand out from the rest. It doesn't have to be complicated, it just has to be true and clear.