Is Social Media Addictive? Is it Changing Us? - Minute Mondays EP 54

Sometimes it can feel as if social platforms are controlling us and what we do, feel and react. It may even feel as if it's changing who we are.

The truth is that it's not the platform that is addictive as much as our reaction to the platform, we are allowing our insecurities or our desires to get us all sucked into the platform.

We may even at times claim to dislike a certain platform, the truth is that we have a choice. We can control our outcome by simply deciding to not use it if it's a problem. Nobody is holding a gun to our head, forcing us to use any of these platforms. If you find that they are not adding value to your life then simply remove your profile and stop using it.

I think it's best to focus on creating content and not consuming it but ultimately the choice is yours.

In terms of the idea or thought that it's changing us, I think that's simply not true, it's more like it's exposing us in the way of how we really feel and think inside. The platform gives many people who do not have the will to say something in person the ability to say it online and feel safe to do so. This actually gives anyone looking a bit of insight into how someone may think and behave.

This is my perspective and maybe you may or may not agree, let me know in the comments on your perspective.