Disadvantages of the BRRRR Strategy - Market Tuesdays - Episode 01

Brand New Show - Every Tuesday I Talk Real Estate - Show That's Going to Be Under 10 Minutes & Real Estate Tips & Market Information.

In this episode I talk about what's unpopular and uncommon to discuss in Real Estate when it comes to investing. I am speaking about the Disadvantages of the BRRRR Strategy.

Things can seem rosie and easy but not everything is as simple and easy as it seems. The BRRRR is a very popular method to obtaining many investment properties and has major potential for wealth building, by no stretch am I saying that it's a BAD thing. I am just letting you know of a scenario that is possible and something you should be aware of and maybe prepared for.

I am also outlining an option that you can use to avoid this pitfall. It may slow your growth down but at the same time it provides assurances going forward.