We are LIVE in Orlando, at Podcast Movement 2019! On this episode, we discuss the people we are meeting, what we're learning, and interview up and coming podcaster Cynthia Djongoue Kamga courtesy of Talkshoe's recording stage. 

Cynthia's planned podcast will be about her personal experience living in Cameroon, France, and now the United States. She will share how her journey from her birthplace in Cameroon, to France where she moved as a teenager, to moving to New York as a professional has shaped her. She will tackle how living in different countries - while trying to adapt to each culture - has left her feeling at times like she doesn't fully belong, anywhere. 
Her hope is to create a community and to have a larger conversation about what it means to adapt to a new culture while holding on to your own identify. 

About Cynthia Djongoue Kamga
Stay tuned for her podcast, launching at the end of the year. In the meantime, you can connect with her on Instagram where you can join the conversation about how our diversity affects our lives.

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Podcast Credits: Podcast Movement