The latest in the scandal of Downing Street parties points to the Prime Minister’s own birthday, where a gathering took place in the Cabinet Office. Whilst this has been played off by a Downing Street spokesperson as being on ‘the edges of a work event’. Cressida Dick announced this morning that events at No.10 during lockdown have now been deemed serious enough to deserve a police investigation. 

How long does this now go on for? It could make the May election results terrible for the Tories, prompting more MPs to write a letter of no confidence.

'Someone close to Boris Johnson said to me that this idea to 'delay to Gray' is wrong. He’s going to need it to come out so that he can apologise and move on so that people’s opinions of him don’t calcify' - James Forsyth

All to be discussed on today's podcast as Katy Balls speaks to Isabel Hardman and James Forsyth.