Over the weekend most media tore into the Owen Paterson affair, with a lot of talk about MPs' second jobs like those of Geoffrey Cox...

‘I think if you go down this route of essentially banning all these outside interests, we’re going to end up with far more people of inherited wealth in the House of Commons, who don’t need to earn any other money, and I think you will lose some knowledge and expertise.’ - James Forsyth 

...How Conservatives pick their peers, and even Lords reform. But how did it come to this? Who should have told Boris that last week's actions and reactions were bad politics? 

'I know some MPs who think the way that they voted last week will be held against them at the next election. They can imagine Labour running an anti-sleaze ticket.' - Fraser Nelson

Katy Balls gets into all the Westminster details with Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth.

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