The government is publishing its long-awaited energy security strategy today, but Labour has criticised it for the strategy's lack of action on onshore wind. Has Boris wrongly buckled to backbenchers on a policy that would have been efficient and popular? Cindy Yu speaks to Katy Balls and Isabel Hardman. Isabel argues that 'the failure of the Conservative government over the past - it's been more than a decade now - to address Britain's supply needs has come home to roost now'.

They also discuss the new revelations that Rishi Sunak's wife, Akshata Murthy, holds non-domicile status, which means she doesn't pay UK taxes. Katy points out that there is no suggestion of any wrongdoing, but nevertheless that 'this story is going to roll on, as people try to work out how much tax have they effectively saved? And I think pressure will grow on that'.