Kiko Matthews is a British adventurer. On 22 March 2018, she became the fastest female to row the Atlantic, solo and unsupported. Kiko rowed the 3284 miles departing Barbados and arriving in Europe 49 days 7 hours and 15 minutes later.

In 2009, she had a nearly fatal pituitary tumor, which resulted in Cushing's disease. She had to undergo neurosurgery to treat it.

In August 2017, she had another tumor, which occurred while she was training for the Atlantic crossing. After another neurosurgery, she returned to training and then smashed the Atlantic solo record!

She's always been motivated by challenge and adventure and in narrowly avoiding death, the health scare made Kiko clear on how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. She has since dedicated herself to doing things that help people and the planet and challenging herself along th way.

Kiko has numerous other impressive adventuring feats and is also a dedicated environmentalist, doing big things to clean up the world's waterways and oceans of plastic. You can readore about her latest adventures on her website. Links below.

Kiko's website





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