Colour Sergeant Brian Wood is a decorated war hero, having been awarded a Military Cross for successfully leading a close quarter (hand to hand combat) battle at Danny Boy in Iraq 2004.

He's also an author, podcaster, speaker and entrepreneur. And a truly inspiring leader.

Upon his return from Iraq, he and his team were subjected to allegations of war crimes and 5 years of scrutiny in the Al-Sweady Inquiry, which resulted in total exoneration and the striking off of lead lawyer Phil Shiner on account of his conduct in pursuing the claims.

Brian ("Woody") wrote eloquently about his ordeal, and that of his team, in his Sunday Times Bestseller, "Double Crossed". I highly recommend reading it.

His story is now being made into a movie.

Woody has since founded a fitness apparel line called "Keep Attacking", a mantra that captures the essence of his character and own story - a story of resilience and integrity.


Book: "Double Crossed"

Keep Attacking Store