Listen with Closed Captions

Narrated by Garrett Kiesel

[13 | 4.5 Billion Years BCE]

Stuck within Jupiter and Mars’s gravitational pull, the orbiting planet Phaeton is reaching an inevitable end to its fruitful rain. 

Phaeton has been orbiting just outside of the habitable zone within Orion’s spur of the Milky Way since the solar system formed. Usually, a planet could not support surface life more intricate than a microscopic organism at this distance from the sun. However, the massive amounts of energy Jupiter produces, combined with the sun’s light waves, creates a unique atmosphere for the planet. This atmosphere has sustained intelligent life for billions of years. 

The surface of planet Phaeton maintains a steady temperature of 22-degrees Celsius at all geographical locations outside of the north and south poles. This even temperature results from a constant spin while staying within Jupiter’s grasp. Jupiter keeps Phaeton within close proximity while Mars prevents it from sliding into the gassy ball. Mars’s trips around the Sun then reinitiate Phaeton’s spin on each round. The movement of Mars acts like the force of a hand slapping a basketball on the tip of one’s finger to keep it in uniform rotational motion. The combination of forces allows Phaeton to piggyback Jupiter about the Sun while staying within the protection of the giant planet’s warping of spacetime.  

Phaetons even spin, and near moon orbit to Jupiter allows for steady temperatures along the surface, just as a whole chicken on a rotisserie would while rotating over a fire. At first glance, the planet appears to be a moon of Jupiter, but it does not orbit Jupiter; it is stuck in place orbiting the Sun with Jupiter. 

The distant Sun helps to illuminate the land, the energy from Jupiter provides an endless paradise amidst the drylands. 

Phaeton’s minute amount of sunlight helps to produce a visible spectrum. This spectrum is generated when the Sun amplifies the radioactive waves of Jupiter, creating a rich glow. The nuclear energies combine with the surrounding plant life energy to form a vivid emerald-green atmosphere with a hazed orange troposphere. The formed light then allows for animals to have various types of vision.

Since the planet was fashioned from the local stardust and locked within Jupiter’s gravitational pull, it didn’t take long for life to evolve. The conditions were immediately perfect, and the consistent smashing of asteroids into Jupiter spewed off all sorts of strange and foreign life forms that floated in from galaxies far-far away.

These odd life forms hitchhiked on different materials that helped Jupiter become the gas giant it is today. Jupiter wasn’t always gaseous; it was once a solid sphere of mixed metallics. An intermingling only possible under the extreme pressures of planetary creation. 

At first, penetrating objects simply broke to pieces upon collision with the planet. Then, a moon-sized comet with a core of frozen acid cracked Jupiter like an egg. The two bodies blended together, leading the impacting object to become the yolk of Jupiter. The heat from the friction melted the acid, which in turn melted the assortment of metals and the chemical reactions began expelling various forms of gas. The gasses kept coming and coming – for hundreds of years – until finally, the planet formed into the ball of freely floating molecules it is today.

Along with the many collisions, expelled debris formed all of Jupiter’s moons. During this formation, Phaeton was on its own orbit, zigzagging between the preformed Mars and Jupiter. It zipped about the sun crossing Mars’s path, feeding into Jupiter’s then back across Mars’s. 

Once Jupiter became fully formed, as well as Mars, one of Phaeton’s passes got warped. As it headed out on its trajectory, it was slung backward like the aftereffects of a slingshot. The planet then bobbed back and forth until it settled within the grips of Jupiter. Shortly after being placed in an immobile orbit, Mars swung by, creating a ripple in space that initiated Phaeton’s uniform spin.

[14 | The Life of Phaeton]

Within a few million years, the first aquatic life more advanced than a space-traveling bacteria evolved. Many of the lifeforms are quite strange-looking but beautiful. They emit multiple colors the human eye is incapable of seeing. Also, the emitted light waves are outside the color spectrum visible to nonnative life, making them appear invisible to anyone peaking in.

Not long after, the fish-like entities and other sea-dwelling life—not within Earth’s species—began to develop. There are no mammals, nor are there reptiles or amphibians, or any other familiar species. Just strange radioactive thriving creatures that lived in harmony with the other. The lifeforms of the planet's true origins do not stem from the Milky Way. One may look at the surface through a telescope and see a baron wasteland. Another may alter the lens and see utopia.

The animals continued to evolve and interbreed, producing more and more advanced species. After an unknown amount of time passed, the lifeforms became self-aware. The growing intelligence then evolved into a humanoid-like form, quickly becoming the dominant species of the planet. They called themselves Helios.

Some of the species of Phaeton had dual entangled particles allowing them to exist simultaneously in different locations on the planet. Others were made of synthetic materials giving them computer-like capabilities. Some had formed from a metallic type of material made up of atoms that do not fit the periodic table of elements known to Man. These atoms consist of two and sometimes three or more nuclei’. They are like a female's egg containing two sperm destined for twins. 

As some of the animals grow, so do the nuclei of each of their individual atoms. They then split off, duplicating themselves. The atoms multiply the same way cells regenerate. They do this by extracting subatomic particles from the surrounding spacetime median. At the same time, they simultaneously feed on organic and inorganic matter. 

There would be entire schools of the exact same creature right down to the individual molecules. Helios called them Quantum Twinlights or Quanights for short. It was a great delicacy of theirs as well as a staple since they would consistently duplicate, providing a stable food source. They had to be careful not to eat the entangled ones unless they could find their entangled counterpart. Otherwise, the consumption of a twinned-entangled-particle would temporarily fuse them with the still-living creature, and the result was strange. They would become warped into an alternate species or vibrate in time—a painful and unpleasant experience sort of like dropping interdimensional acid.

The Quanights had a similar structure to an eel combined with multiple squids—a tubelike form with skirts of tentacles evenly spaced out. The skin emanated a rainbow of colors on the nonvisible side of the spectrum. The animals’ atoms would duplicate, and then a third, fifth, or any set of odd number tentacle collections would form. When they generate an odd set of squid-like arm collections, the mid-group splits like an earthworm cut in two. Then, they would divide into two perfectly symmetrical equals and continue regenerating. The number of suction-cupped arms they separate at told of which breed the Quanights belongs to.

Another delicacy of theirs was what may be considered a plant; the lifeform was inverted in spacetime. It was not easy to harvest because the Helios also had to switch into an inverted state to find them. Their preparation was an even trickier task. Once they pulled the roots from their cross-dimensional inversion, they began moving through spacetime in all directions like a spilt cup of time traveling milk. They had to be disassembled while they were being de-rooted to prevent this. The process was similar to how sushi is made from a pufferfish having to be skinned and filleted alive. The process prevents the poison from excreting into the meat upon death.

Eventually, the Helios evolved beyond the need for food or any organically grown substance. The consumption of all the different multigalactic creatures turned them into a super race far more advanced and intelligent than any living entity within the known universes. Their abilities became God-like—only, their powers were restrained within the realm of the universe they resided in.

[15 | Helios]

The Helios had been living on the planet for millions of years, continuously evolving. Their technological advancements were so far beyond that of any other race that they would’ve appeared to be mystical beings or gods if met by different forms of intelligent life. Even the highest of the evolved and technologically advanced wouldn’t have been able to comprehend their abilities—no matter how much they think they know about science and the mechanics of the universe.

The Helios were beautiful hominoid-like people with deep, dark, red-colored skin standing 10-feet tall, on average. Their bodies were completely hairless and naturally muscular with a perfect tone. They had a human-like configuration but no eyes, ears, mouths, noses, waste, or reproductive systems. Instead, they resembled faceless red manikins that grew from roots in the forest half-buried underground. They didn’t always look this way, though: the surrounding environment took them from a bare prime ape to the advanced plant-like entity they became.

Throughout the evolution of the Helios race, their physical bodies adapted to the planet’s unique source of light. Instead of finding biological substances for fuel, their bodies modified and began using the surrounding radioactive light energy rays. Their skin began absorbing these unique beams of energy, and the Helios’s cells then converted them into mass. Over time, they became less and less hungry until they completely adapted and no longer needed molecular substances. Eventually, the orifices on their bodies closed up as they no longer had use for them—except for their reproductive systems. Which stuck with them for some time until these organs, too, dissipated.

It was not an entirely natural evolution—that is, their technology for converting mass into energy and energy into mass was integrated into their bodies. They learned how to use the natural rhythms of their own life forces to power the devices, which allowed them to live without the constant need to consume other sources of life. Over time the technology became one with their biological structure and DNA. After thousands of years passed, children began being born with the technology already inside them, eliminating the need to surgically combine it with the organic body. Then, some quarter million years later, their bodies began evolving into a single quantum entangled unit that turns energy into mass.

The senses of the Helios evolved and fused with the fabric of space, allowing them to communicate through quantum tunnels embedded within the cellular structure of their skin. They didn’t need to see or hear or physically touch anything because the quantum-fusing with space-time gave them the all-seeing-eye throughout the universe.

After a few hundred thousand more years, the Helios evolved into entities perfectly adapted to their planet. Unfortunately, at the peak of their evolution, the loss of their reproductive organs led to the inability to further the race. As a result, many of the first entangled Helios became unified with a greater universe – outward of relative spacetime – disappearing from existence. They achieved the rainbow-light-body religious monks attain from intense meditation, altering their bodies from the solid-state into pure light.

The Helios eventually became so interwoven with Phaeton’s earth and the fabric of space that they grew into the quantum-median of the planet and metamorphosized with the spacetime their bodies resided in. This unification left them physically immobile but able to spiritually roam the universe. What was once Helios’s legs turned into a fleshy organic system of roots. The root system helped them absorb energy from the core of the planet. At the same time, their torsos sucked in the radiation from Jupiter. One wouldn’t know they were alive if they saw them; they would think they are some sort of plant that coincidently looks like a person. 

Once the remaining Helios transitioned into the earth-embedded state, their root systems grew into one another’s combining them as one. Then, the individual consciousness blended into a single all-knowing being. This left The Helios to simply be Helios leaving only a finite number of their race to remain—members that hadn’t grown into the general collective yet. It didn’t take long until there were no more individuals left.

When the final Helios melded in with the unified collective, the overall consciousness became a single mind with multiple viewpoints. The method of Helios’s thought process was similar to that of a schizophrenic, only completely sane.

Ultimately, Helios’s consciousness became bored and forgot its history. It longed for companionship, so it set out to create life elsewhere. It would then transition into another lifeform, allowing it to leave Phaeton.

Helios decided on Mars as the appropriate place to begin colonizing with genetically engineered children. At the time, Mars was a half-frozen ball of ice and desert. The planet had no spin. The desert faced the sun, and the ice was directed to Phaeton. Helios could sense the power of the frozen water from within its cells. It looked to Earth as well, but Mars was closer and a familiar satellite. 

When planning its mission, Helios found that it needed multiple actions completed simultaneously, so it decided to separate its mind and assign each thought process a job.

Helios separated its mind into various sections, using the entangled bodies on the planet's surface. It then split its mind, distributing units of thought to each torso.

The half-red corpses that grew from the ground made their first movements in thousands of years, breaking from the unified meditative state. Helios had become one entity but went into an independent state to transform Mars. Each essence of Helios entered its own meditative state, spending thousands of years working on creating life on Mars.

Roughly 10,000 Helios shells remained on the green planet scattered across a meadow dotted with trees. Half of the bodies spent their endless days sending quantum vibrations to the inner atoms that make up the H2O molecules on Mars; they could create outward pulsations from within the atomic structures that spread through the bonded electrons causing the remaining icecaps to slowly break and melt apart. The other half focus their energies on the core of mars. The body is a solid ball of liquid silver-titanium. They use their quantum abilities to initiate the ball's rotation to build more inertia and momentum. After the water was transitioned into its liquid state, they spent a thousand Earth years in meditation, bringing a livable environment to Mars. 

Eventually, the planet kept a steady rotation, and water dispersed evenly across it. The inner gyration of the liquid metal generated ample heat furthering the melting of the ice below the surface. The planet then became a red oasis of water and farmable soil—only lifeless. So, Helios sought out neighboring asteroids containing bacteria’s that it guided to Mars, crashing them into oceans and landmasses. Once the materials were settled, they used the genetics from the traveling bacteria to begin the foundations of life.

Within the quantum entanglements of space, Helios reprogrammed the genetics of the recently landed bacteria to mimic its own DNA. Next, it planned to evolve a similar species – adapted to Mars – to relocate its broken consciousness to—re-creating its original race. 

[ 16 | Unforeseen]

After thousands of years, in intense meditations manipulating Mars into a suitable environment, the evolved surface life became capable of hosting their life forces. Throughout this time, Helios’s home planet was becoming less and less inhabitable. The energy required to mold Mars into a suitable living situation had sucked 80% of Phaeton dry. Only a tiny patch of the brilliant green and orange hazed atmosphere remained where the Helios collective was embedded. 

By the time Helios came out of its meditative state, terraforming Mars, all but thirteen of the Helios bodies had remained. The process not only depleted the planet's energy it also killed off much of the Helios collective. This went unnoticed. When a part of the unified root system died off, the split mind was redistributed back into the living portions.

Phaeton remained stable enough to support the remaining group of Helios bodies throughout this time. Once the restructuring of Mars was complete and lifeforms existed, Helios built a group of bodies almost identical to its own. It was putting the final touches on its children before it could transcend its broken consciousnesses into the newly generated bodies. It was a success; however, the planet's core suddenly became unsuitable for sustained life. When the Sun transitioned from a T-Tauri star to the Yellow Dwarf it is today, the energy sucked in by the change turned Mars into a desert wasteland overnight. Helios’s children of Mars died before it had a chance to transcend. 

Helios was still in a state of broken consciousness meditation during this event. All of its work was in vain, but it didn’t morn; it simply went on searching for another planet. Earth would have been a clear choice, but it was nothing more than a giant ball of water without land. 

Helios searched the local planets and satellites through time when something that it never thought possible occurred: A planet-sized vessel weaved through its orbit between Jupiter and Mars. The traveling object's size was enough to send a gravity ripple through space, causing Phaeton’s spin to shift, and the planet then spun off its alignment. The separated Helios conscious that had been in a hypnotic state—while working on Mars—was knocked out as if to be abruptly woken from a deep sleep. Helios was then reformed to its single consciousness. When it became alert, it could instantly sense and feel the loss of its bodies as well as the deteriorating earth around them. 

This event forced Helios to investigate further. It learned by looking through space and time that the Sun’s transition was due to the artificial Moon, sending planet Theia into it. Helios also discovered that the gravitational wave that separated its hand-holding lock with Jupiter directly resulted from the vessel's motion.

Helios is surprised to learn that the vessel contains a wormhole, allowing for a set of inanimate humanoid bodies to be transferred far into the future. This knowledge sends a shockwave of emotions through the body’s half dug in the ground, a shockwave that was felt across the galaxy. 

Before the Helios became a single unified Helios, they had been convinced, for millions of years, that they were the only intelligent lifeforms in existence, or at least within the Milky Way. Helios wondered why its quantum abilities did not give it awareness of these other beings before this time. So, the group consciousness begins scanning the fabric of spacetime for information about the object’s origins and the entities within. 

Once locked into the composition of the ship’s materials, they understood the origins of the metals used to build it. They detected that the metallic mixtures originate from a planet far away from them, a world they thought was nothing more than an icy rock; nothing ever stood out about it as being a life-supporting object. 

As Helios’s consciousness road the waves of spacetime out to the planet, it learned of the alien lifeforces—The Anunnaki. Helios assumed it never sensed these beings before because their physical composition is primarily metallic—some sort of liquid metal fused with a biologically organic material capable of hosting a spirit or soul. The Anunnaki call it their resonance. However, they never detected them before because they are from billions of years in the future, and Helios never ventured far off in time before.

The Helios never considered metallic life forces as a possibility. As advanced as they were, they were still under the impression that life could not exist in inorganic materials. The oldest remanence of Helios’s consciousness demanded an immediate furthering to investigate the race. Still, something else quickly became the primary concern: Helios could feel the energy levels depleting around it. The planet's spin was slowly shifting out of Jupiter’s ray-emission zone, and Mars was no longer applying a rotational force to it. The world had only hours before everything on it would be destroyed.

Phaeton orbits the sun, but it is stuck in Jupiter’s grip. One could’ve easily mistaken Phaeton for an extra-large moon of Jupiter’s. Instead, it was simply locked within Jupiter’s gravitational pull like a kid dragging a sled behind them. When the object sped by and knocked the planet out of Jupiter’s pull, Helios instinctively calculated the mathematics of how long it had until it could no longer survive on Phaeton. 

Helios’s daunting realization that it will require a new power source to go on in existence became an immediate priority. It examined the ship that had now reached Earth. Unknown to the Anunnaki, Helios was present within the Moon throughout its terraforming of Earth. 

Helios transitioned through time to locate the arrival of the Anunnaki Avatars. Unlike the lifeforms on the mysterious planet—far out at the edge of the solar system—the bodies that will transfer through the moon-vessel are part organic and are constructed from materials mined from Earth. 

Helios learns that their blood flows with the same liquid metal from the core of their planet. Helios then divided its mind into a committee to discuss the other race. 

They only had a short amount of time to make their move. The wormhole allowed Helios to take its physical force and send it in to one of the Avatars still located at planet Nibiru. When the energy force synced with one, it went into a coma state, not to reawaken until the avatars are activated around 100,000 BCE. Helios then took the consciousnesses of twelve remaining mind fragments, sending them to Earth in the future. They also informed their selves from the past about the oncoming event.

A few minutes later, the planet Phaeton cracked down the middle emitting a disk-like ball of vacuum-sealed flames across the galaxy, shattering the surface like a piece of tempered glass. The reaction sent chunks of the planet flying in every which direction. Floating rocks and other remaining materials evenly distributed themselves. Over a few days, they collected and formed what is now considered to be the asteroid belt. 

[17 | 150,000 BCE]

It all started on Easter Island—statues half dug into the ground were left to honor Helios—the creator of Earth’s primitive life. Islanders worshipped and still worship the alien god. At a time, the figures were painted deep red to mimic the original bodies native to Phaeton. During ceremonial worship, tribal members paint themselves red. They then bury their bodies half underground for seven days and seven nights to honor their creator god. A practice that has been going on for millennia.

After Helios had learned of the Anunnaki and transferred its consciousnesses outward in time, it began creating life on the recently re-terraformed Earth. 

Twelve of its members existed on Earth in a trans-dimensional state unseen by life on the planet. They wished to interact with their creations, so they crafted an entity capable of allowing them to speak through. Of course, they couldn’t exist within the semi-biological structures. However, they could use them like remote-control cars while using something nonbiological to contain the twelve essences of its former self.

Before Helios began developing intelligent life on Earth, it built its own casings for the use of communication to the soon-to-be lifeforms. It started by fashioning a hominoid-like body from the surrounding organic and inorganic life. Although Helios was no longer tied to its former physical casing on Phaeton, it had evolved enough to live on the fabric of spacetime. While residing in between dimensional space, it focused its energy on reassembling some of Earth’s matter into the desired shapes. They then learned of quartz crystal—an abundant resource on Earth. The crystals offered the perfect molecular structure to communicate through. They carved and fashioned crystal skulls from the quartz. They first found twelve suitably sized chunks. They then imagined what their former physical bodies looked like and focused their quantating energies on the surrounding shape within the blocks of crystal. The crystal structures surrounding the desired skull shape then melted into individual atoms, dripping down and floating away from the translucent skeleton heads.

After they built the twelve crystal skulls and linked themselves to them, they fashioned a 13th skull. This skull acted as a backup drive for Helios’s entire consciousness. It was also meant to be used by the thirteenth piece of Helios currently stuck within the Anunnaki avatar. They then fixed the skulls within their semi-organic hominid bodies. The physiques resembled the types of humanoids they were about to build, only they stood ten-foot-tall with muscle tones resembling Greek gods carved from stone.

Unlike Helios’s attempts at life on Mars, the amount of energy needed to seed Earth was a fraction in comparison. This was mainly due to the abundance of resources on the planet. 

Helios used the last of Phaeton’s energy before the transitions to create the thirteen skulls and bodies to host them. They hadn’t a clue of how long the casings would last.  They knew they could transcend into a fully organic body but only if it is evolved enough to handle their level of intelligence. They specially constructed these bodies not only to allow them to communicate with life on Earth but to also give them the ability to extract energy from their surroundings. They needed the surrounding power to invent Earthly life. They wanted to create a unique lifeform that mimicked their original shells, so they designed intelligent life on Earth in their image.

 Helios focused on the soil and greens encompassing the island, breaking them into their single atoms via quantum resonation. Quantum Resonation or Quantation allows for a quantum being to access the holding structure of the subatomic elements. When quantating, Helios can access all points of time and space inside and out. Helios uses the unique skill to develop the souls of the oncoming life. They then stretch the soul out in spacetime, shaping it into a base for holding matter. They pinpoint super subatomic relations for foundational positions of an atom's nucleus, which holds the molecular structures. Then the body of Man can be painted across it, using the local materials of Earth.

Helios disassembles and reassembles various mass collections until it forms a lifeform similar to its original design, at least from what it can remember of itself from millions of years before its current state. It had a lot of practice on Mars, so it knew what to do. 

First, Helios built the foundations for a hominid type species using the genetics from local apes. Unfortunately, the result was a mind incapable of critical thinking. They then went on to create something from scratch. A hobbitlike human was born, standing only 3-feet tall. Helios created another to mate with it. The species successfully procreated and continued to do so. Before the species could populate Easter Island, they were relocated to a remote island in Indonesia to not interbreed with the next set of creatures to be designed. 

Following the hobbits came neanderthal varieties amongst other forms. 

Helios separated all lives to different islands on the planet until they wanted them to interbreed.  Helios kept trying and trying to create an organic lifeform capable of hosting its energy force, but it was unsuccessful. It realized that the unique materials brought from other galaxies to their home planet were not present on Earth. And there were no nearby asteroids that contained this material as it was all consumed billions of years ago during the early formation of the solar system.

Helios’s only hope was for the multiple hominoid species to interbreed and evolve to a much more advanced existence. 

For thousands of years, their artificial bodies holding the crystal skulls remained active. They bred and wiped out hundreds of thousands of primitive species until they finally found a balance they were satisfied with—a genetically balanced group of Humans. Once they were pleased, they put this small family of modern people on a vessel along with the DNA of many other naturally formed Earth species they wished to preserve. After, they focused their energies on the core of the earth, heating the oceans until they boiled over flooding and killing off any traces of their biological experiments. When the water receded, they left the people to populate Earth and prepared to go back into a meditative state.

It was around 120,000 BCE when their bodies finally gave out. They knew it would take a very long time for humans to evolve to a point where they can comprehend them. So, they encrypted their awareness into the crystal skulls, going into a sort of hibernation until people developed enough to decode the crystal. When Humans reach this state of evolution, their preprogrammed DNA is designed for them to strive to create a synthetic version of themselves. Once they achieve this level of intelligence, they will also be able to decipher the quartz skulls. Upon decoding the carved mineral heads, Helios will be able to pivot itself into the synthetic bodies created, thus reawaking their immortal status within the universe.

They left behind clues for their Anunnaki counterpart to find them. 

Each skull was placed on opposite ends of the planet just before the supporting bodies decayed. The 13th skull remains on Easter Island contained in the largest of the half-buried statues. 

Within the inanimate Anunnaki avatar, the remaining portion of the Helios collective could potentially revive them if the Humans don’t survive. All the information needed resides on the fabric of the quartz crystal.

[18 | 100,000 BCE]

Before planet Phaeton disassembled into the orbiting asteroid belt it is today, Helios transferred its collective consciousness to one of the Anunnaki Avatars. Helios was able to access the collection of pods by utilizing the wormhole within the passing moon. It sent its entire collective-conscious to one of the bodies, leaving behind twelve essences of itself, which complete a duplicate when put together.

The Anunnaki went unaware of the unauthorized passenger. They hadn’t even a clue of other intelligent life existing within the universe, let alone life as advanced as Helios. Within a few Earth hours, Helios went from being together with its planet’s collective to a comatose state on its new lift to Earth.

Helios came aware while still contained within its pod, surrounded by the other sleeping avatars. It also observed the piloting Anunnaki scientists without their knowledge as they navigated the group to Earth from Nibiru. 

It was a true miracle that Helios was even able to be contained in the somewhat cybernetic organism. The transient particles from the core of Nibiru and the organic material taken from Earth made for the perfect fleshy suit. 

Helios had sensations and feelings it may or may not have felt for millions of years. The unfamiliar emotions instantly became present throughout the body, forcing uncontrollable frozen tears to drip out of Helios’s eyes, clinking onto the glass of the tube container. 

As Helios lay still within the freezing sarcophagus, it noticed more than one species within the other tubes. It was not familiar with different sexes. At least, it couldn’t recall if its species once had two sexes. For the last few million years, The Helios reproductive system was semi-hermaphroditic. They had been a single-sex race. Still, they required two partners or more to reproduce.  This was due to the quantumly entangled particles within their genetics. Unique DNA developed from consuming all the strange intergalactic delicacies of Phaeton. 

The Anunnaki body Helios took up happened to be a female earthling hybrid. She was now stuck within the half organic being and couldn’t escape. She tried to psychically seek out her other twelve essences but couldn’t. The power she once had was still within her. However, it was limited to a local planetary radius—spacetime and gravity contain her superpowers within its surrounding push while locked in the living vessel.

Helios laid conscious in the unconscious body for the duration of the travel. The sleeping capsule made it so that she couldn’t really move unless she really tried. She knew she was in an uninvited situation, so she just went into meditation until they all reached Earth.

Upon arrival, after all the Anunnaki hybrids were distributed about the Globe, Helios woke and broke free from the capsule. She then severed the connection with the Anunnaki destined to take up occupancy within her new body. The Anunnaki on the home planet assumed the body was defective or damaged in transit. The one destined for it was disappointed that they missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Helios was unsure if she should comingle with the Anunnaki or if they would find her to be a threat and become hostile towards her. So, she set out to find her twelve essences left behind. She was unaware of how they evolved on Earth or where they were or could have gone. She only knew that the destination she sent them to was Easter Island—the true epicenter of Earth's native intelligence.

At first, she thought she would have difficulty moving about the planet in her new humanoid body, but then technology integrated into it activated. On the back of her eye, like light projected on a windshield, she could see information the same way a computer screen displays data. Without action, her thoughts initiated knowledge requests of whatever she needed. Scrolls of data that did not require interpretation leaked into her brain, instructing her on how to use the alien body and the tools sent with it in the pod. 

The deep-space container she recently resided in doubled as an antigravity craft. It also had various types of weapons and trinkets for building shelter and eating. 

She first explored the local land she had landed. She walked around and examined the other lifeless Anunnaki soon to be walking the Earth as well. She experienced the Sun’s rays for the first time ever. Even on her home planet, the light never shined with such grace. 

After her euphoric experiences began wearing off, she set out on her flying carpet to Easter Island to find her counterparts.