Have you ever wanted to know how binary works? Or what 16-bit actually means? It's time for us to dive to a low, low level this week on Coding Fyx. In fact, maybe the lowest level. We are talking all about machine code baby - Binary, Bits, Bytes, Hex, and more! Strap in and hold onto your booties, let's get learnin'!

fyx.spacetwitter.com/fyxpodcastspodchaser.com/[email protected]

Have you ever wanted to know how binary works? Or what 16-bit actually means? It’s time for us to dive to a low, low level this week on Coding Fyx. In fact, maybe the lowest level. We are talking all about machine code baby – Binary, Bits, Bytes, Hex, and more! Strap in and hold onto your booties, let’s get learnin’!

[email protected]

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