A strong argument against Python’s batteries included model exposes some bigger problems the community is struggling with. We chat about all of it.

A strong argument against Python’s batteries included model exposes some bigger problems the community is struggling with. We chat about all of it.

Plus lessons learned six years after a project, a new tool, and some feedback.


Home Page - ABC-Deploy — ABC-Update is an easy to use tool that sets you in control of MS Update operations.On logic in a Rails app, revisited 6 years later — My argument was that Rails is just an UI layer, and business logic should be put in domain objects instead of keeping somewhere in Model, View or Controller.Python Software FoundationBatteries Included, But They're Leaking — Amber Brown of the Twisted project shared her criticisms of the Python standard library.Twisted: Event-driven networking engine written in Python. — Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications