RethinkDB (rethinkdb.com) is a modern database that enables real-time scenarios right out of the box.

In this CodeChat, Slava (@spakhm) - one of the co-founders of the company - tells us all about the software's strengths and why you might consider using it in your next project. It's often times just one of a few components to an overall data solution, but for its part, RethinkDB means there will be no more busy work getting data refreshed on each client.

I apologize up front for the echo in the audio. My on-the-road recording equipment is a bit sub-par, but I've got some updated hardware in an upcoming episode, so watch out for that.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of CodeChat. As always, please chime in using the comment thread below.

You can always find me online at codefoster.com or on Twitter @codefoster.

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