Danidel is a 3 times Salesforce MVP, avid Salesforce user, administrator, and developer. He  also helps lead the Salt Lake City area Salesforce User Group.  He blogs at http://www.verticalcoder.com/ tweets at https://twitter.com/dhoechst and codes at https://github.com/dhoechst

Topics covered

How he learned Force.com and the importance of Twitter in the process.

Team Development 

Continuous Integration with Drone.io and BitBucket.
Tools for working with git - SourceTree
Books for learning git:  Pro Git
IDE tools - MavensMate/Sublime

Remote Objects 

What you can do with them
Changes to Remote Objects coming in Summer '14

Integrating Salesforce with your Fax Server.  Yes, really.
Apex Testing Tips and his Salesforce Test-Factory framework

Importance of Assertions
SeeAllData and avoiding it.
Daniel's Salesforce Test-Factory framework https://github.com/dhoechst/Salesforce-Test-Factory



Danidel is a 3 times Salesforce MVP, avid Salesforce user, administrator, and developer. He  also helps lead the Salt Lake City area Salesforce User Group.  He blogs at http://www.verticalcoder.com/ tweets at https://twitter.com/dhoechst and codes at https://github.com/dhoechst

Topics covered

How he learned Force.com and the importance of Twitter in the process.

Team Development 

Continuous Integration with Drone.io and BitBucket.
Tools for working with git - SourceTree
Books for learning git:  Pro Git
IDE tools - MavensMate/Sublime

Remote Objects 

What you can do with them
Changes to Remote Objects coming in Summer '14

Integrating Salesforce with your Fax Server.  Yes, really.
Apex Testing Tips and his Salesforce Test-Factory framework

Importance of Assertions
SeeAllData and avoiding it.
Daniel's Salesforce Test-Factory framework https://github.com/dhoechst/Salesforce-Test-Factory



Twitter Mentions