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Fitness 101. As web developers, we're prone to sitting down on all day. Staying active takes effort! Sometimes it's easy to forget how much…

Fitness 101.

As web developers, we're prone to sitting down on all day. Staying active takes effort! Sometimes it's easy to forget how much you've ate throughout the day. Other days, it feels like your pulling an all nighter and forget about your personal health.

We cover basic health science, nutrition, workout plans, and supplements.


00:30 - Staying Fit as a Developer takes effort!

01:35 - Weight Loss, Weight Gain, and Nutrition

02:20 - Being disciplined takes effort! Be aware of what affects your eating habits
03:50 - Losing weight requires a deficit of calories. Meaning if your body requires 3000 calories to maintain weight based on your activity level, you need to consume less than that amount to drop weight. 3500 calories = 1 lb of weight.
07:30 - Exercises and working out increases activity level, which changes your daily caloric intake amount. Recommended safe weight loss range is 1-lb to 2-lbs a week
12:00 - Protein smoothies are great for controlling calories and protein/carb/fat intake. Can also be used as a breakfast replacement. Also there are foods for combatting hunger, such as eating high fat foods or fasting
16:20 - Alchohol has a lot of hidden calories! A drink is anywhere from ~100 to 200 calories a drink
20:20 - Use controlled foods with known amounts of calories to "calorie count". Limit yourself to eating out to restaurants without calorie nutrition facts to once a day to prevent too few or too many calories.

22:30 - Exercises and movements!

25:00 - Strength training, volumetric building for strength
27:30 - Hypertrophy training, HIIT (high intensity interval training) for endurance
30:00 - Don't overwork out yourself early on, do it progressively else you might get an injury
32:30 - Always warm up before an exercise! Then you can progressively load weight amounts during training

35:00 - Supplements!

36:30 - Animal Protein vs Whey/Soy Protein Powder. Cooked animal protein increases intake into the body
37:30 - Creatine is one of the most popular ways of improving strength. It increases your energy gain amount
39:30 - Branch Chain Amino Acids help the recovery process
40:30 - Have someone experienced like a trainer help you early on! You can build good form and ensure your on the right path, and have a spotter as well.


46:00 - ITERM2 for terminal management
46:30 - Wakeboarding in a zipline water park