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And how to get your first job! Especially if you never programmed before. How do you get started? What does it take for an employer to take…

And how to get your first job!

Especially if you never programmed before. How do you get started? What does it take for an employer to take a chance on you?

In this episode, we cover our work histories before starting our careers in software! How we transitioned from working in the restaurant industry to the online courses we took. Followed up with applying to jobs, dealing with rejections, and finally accepting an offer!

After that, we cover what working in the software industry feels like! What things we learned on the job, our struggles in transitoning, and a post mordem of what we'd tell our past selves


00:30 - Intro End
01:57 - Vincent as a kitchen designer
03:20 - Vincent's first open source scripts
04:22 - German working as a kitchen manager before coding
06:22 - Learning on freecodecamp
09:31 - Interview hustles
14:55 - First day at official software job
20:50 - What we learned in first few weeks in new environment
22:30 - Working at a web agency
25:00 - Advice to our past selves
30:00 - Dessert time! Skateboarding and fatherhood
33:56 - Outro Start