As software engineers, we rely on a lot of tools: editors,  IDEs, linters, version control, terminal emulators, virtual machines...  Tools we buy, download for free, or build ourselves.

They define – or at least affect – the quality of what we produce. They boost our delivery speed and automate boring tasks but sometimes, we must admit, they also drive us crazy. What is clear is that, by using tools every single day, we have come to depend on them.

In this episode of Code && Beyond, we talk about our favourite tools and try to define how we would build the most effective development environment with them.

Starring a special guest: Juan Ibiapina, who has built one of the most advanced development environments.


- Alacritty - a fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. 

- NixOS is based on Nix, a purely functional package management system. 

- fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. 

- Juan's dotfiles. - null-ls.nvim 

- Starship - the minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! 

Have any feedback? Send us an email at [email protected] or leave a voice message on Anchor.


Music by Twisterium from Pixabay.