Today on Cocoa☆Disaster, Jay (@TheJayOfSpade on Twitter) takes the plate with me on this new episode to talk about Satoshi Kon's Paranoia Agent! The only TV series by the much-beloved director, it tells the story of a delinquent named Lil Slugger as he attacks his way through Tokyo, and the way his crimes affect the society around him. The show has a lot to say about modern culture and the way we handle adversity, and amidst our lengthy recap, we talk about this topic and much more. So join us for an exploration of this sought-after 2004 classic!

0:50 - Introduction
1:42 - Background
6:48 - Summary
2:17:42 - Discussion: General Thoughts on the Show
2:20:12 - Discussion: The Central Theme of Responsibility
2:28:15 - Discussion: Is the Distinction of Reality vs Fiction Important?
2:33:50 - Discussion: The Influence of Rumors and Media
2:38:24 - Discussion: How Death Changes People/The Story
2:44:04 - Discussion: Closing Thoughts/Personal Theories
3:05:41 - Discussion: Fanmail
3:09:21 - Discussion: Outro and Send-Off

Intro by BeamSplashX (

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