WTF Moments: 

The pharmaceutical and health product industry is by far the biggest spender in terms of lobbying American politicians. Collectively they have spent more than $3.1 billion dollars attempting to influence our elected lawmakers- I wonder what their expense reports look like...9 out of 10 pharmaceutical companies spend more than twice as much on marketing and advertising than research and development. In extreme cases, pharmaceutical companies have raised their prices over 1,000% - In 2015, Valeant Pharmaceuticals raised the price of their drug Daraprim over 5,000%.Halitosis was invented by Listerine. The son of the owner came up with the plan in order to increase direct sales to consumers- they shamed you so hard. Have y’all seen these Listerine ads? They are amazing. According to TIME Magazine- The price of 60 prescription drugs doubled during a recent 12-month span, and prices for 20 of these medications at least quadrupled.Prescription drug spending hit $425 billion in the U.S. last year, before discounting, and the total is expected to reach $640 billion by 2020, according to data from IMS Health Incorporated. 

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