Join the Traveling Mixologists at Curio Parlor in Paris, and enjoy a Rose cocktail made by TM002 Gonçalo De Sousa Monteiro. Following discussion shortly after this episode with TM009 Angus Winchester the gentlemen concluded the Rose should be stirred. Here lies the last shaken Rose cocktail, may it rest in peace - peace it was denied in the shaker.

Join the Traveling Mixologists at Curio Parlor in Paris, and enjoy a Rose cocktail made by TM002 Gonçalo De Sousa Monteiro. Following discussion shortly after this episode with TM009 Angus Winchester the gentlemen concluded the Rose should be stirred. Here lies the last shaken Rose cocktail, may it rest in peace - peace it was denied in the shaker.

Click here to watch “TMs Rock Paris – Part III”...