We've reached the end of another season of Coaster Radio!

To celebrate, we're podcasting from one of the most unique amusement parks in the world...

Wiener Prater in Vienna, Austria!

The Prater was once an imperial hunting ground and only accessible by the aristocracy,  But then, Austrian Emperor Josef II donated the area to the Viennese in 1766 as a public leisure center.

Since then, it has gone on to become the place where the people of Vienna gather to relax and unwind with food, drink and wild rides.

That's right! In recent years, it has become home to some of the most outrageous and intensely thrilling attractions in Europe!

Join Mike and EB and they talk about some of the Prater's most iconic attractions - the roller coasters, Ghost Houses, water rides and gravity defying flat rides.  There might even be some on-ride audio from one of the oldest attractions in the park!

 They'll also talk about how The Prater is run much differently than your average amusement park and howit's full of attractions not seen many other places.

Be sure to come back next week for the premiere of a video podcast showing off all of the rides that the guys discussed on this week's show!

Thanks to everyone who has made this season of CoasterRadio.com the most successful ever! We can't wait for Season Six to begin in October!