We have a lot of fun traditions here at Coaster Radio, but one of our most cherished happens every year at this time!

This week, it's the 2nd Annual...


Each year, EB risks life and limb so that he can bring our wireless microphones as close as possible to the flames, sparks and explosions.

Last year, EB got hit with a projectile wall of fire.  What could go wrong this year?

We also will hear from Mike as he gives his "complicated" review of Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion.  How does it rate when compared to other rides in the park and will Mike be brave enough to ever ride it again?

We also delve into the world of roller coaster enthusiast clubs.  What are some of the reasons people join?  Are there any drawbacks?  What about the recent trend of several clubs "hating" on one another.

We'll hear from the CoasterRadio.com audience as they tell us about what clubs they belong to and the pros and cons of each.

Plus, we'll have a Live Trip Report from a park in Germany!