Welcome to Coal Corn and Corpses inaugural episode. For our very first episode we will be covering the Hundley House located in Carbondale Illinois.  The house was built circa 1903 and holds a lot of dark secrets, even still today in 2021. From the owners being brutally and viciously murdered in cold blood to the well know and not so well known past of its owners John Charles (J.C.) Hundley and his wife Luella (Ella) Hundley. From affairs to bad business deals, to murders committed by the owner as well as to it is owner(s). This story and case seems like a modern day Hollywood story or movie today, only this all took place back in the roaring 20's. We will be telling you the COMPLETE STORY. Not one you can find in local news reports or even several of the books written about this house and its story. All of the information we will give you comes from hours upon hours and weeks of diligent and painstaking research. We know every always hears the "local legends", but now its our turn to give you the entire story. Who the people were all the people involved, their back stories and who they really were. The full and very graphic details of the cool December night in Carbondale in 1928 when these two people were murdered in cold blood. This entire story with also a little bit of dark humor, some morbid thinking, and laughter along the way.  You are going to hear all the details, clues, crime scene information as well as solid testimony from ALL the witnesses that were involved in this case. All of this information comes from local historical societies, Newspaper articles that were published (not just locally, but ALL OVER the US), personal journals of individuals involved, materials located from national as well as local archives. We have combined all of these items that we found in are extensive research and bring it you now. Most of all our goal is to give you all the facts and let YOU our faithful listeners and friends make your own informed decision on what YOU think happened. So we hope you enjoy this podcast...... 

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