At the end of International Coaching Week, Robbie Swale from The Coach’s Journey interviews Claire Pedrick about her supervision community.  


They discuss the challenges of traditional one-to-one and group supervision and the need for a more accessible and affordable solution. Claire shares her journey of creating the supervision community, which offers different tiers of membership and live events for coaches to connect and learn from each other. The community provides a space for ongoing learning and support, allowing coaches to receive supervision based on their current workload. 


The conversation highlights the importance of welcome and hospitality in creating a thriving community. The conversation explores the benefits of group learning for coaches and the importance of community in coaching. It discusses the different tiers of the supervision community and how they cater to coaches at various stages of their career. Claire shares her vision for the future of the community and the importance of succession planning.


an accessible and affordable solution for coaches seeking ongoing learning and support.
Different membership tiers provide coaches with options based on their needs and budget.
The online community cafe creates a sense of community and allow coaches to connect and learn from each other.
The community allows coaches to scale themselves and receive supervision based on their current workload.
Welcome and hospitality are key elements in creating a thriving community. Group learning in a coaching community is a fast way to upgrade knowledge and confidence in dealing with difficult coaching situations.
Joining a coaching community allows coaches to learn from the challenges and experiences of others, even if they haven't faced them personally yet.
The different tiers of a coaching community cater to coaches at different stages of their career and provide tailored support and resources.



Claire Pedrick [email protected]


Robbie Swale


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Coming Up: 

Next:  Coaching and Physical Intelligence with Claire Dale

Soon: Open Table: Coaching and Higher Education


Key Words


supervision community, coaching, accessibility, affordability, learning, support, membership tiers, live events, ongoing learning, welcome, hospitality, coaching, group learning, supervision community, tiers, asynchronous communication, personal connection, succession planning, Coach’s Journey