Today Claire is in conversation with Tuula Valkonen, the founder of Deep Talk. They met when Claire delivered the keynote address at the Deep Talk/Out of The Box conference in September and they made lots of connections between Tuula’s work and ours.  Today’s podcast is on our YouTube channel as well as our audio channels because there is much to watch as Tuula facilitates Claire to explore using the Deep Talk method.


We explore the origins of Tuula’s work as a working counsellor, linguist and play specialist.  She brings the richest and simplest of all these things to her work. A question integrated into Tuula’s work is: I wonder, is it good enough? A liberating question for every coach - our work only needs to be good enough for today!

Find more about Tuula’s work from



Deep Talk is a simple and powerful method that uses ancient stories to help individuals and communities connect with their inner language and find their best language.
Deep Talk creates a safe and playful space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Deep Talk can have a profound impact in organizations and communities by enabling people to be themselves and fostering authentic connections.
Working counseling is about helping people be themselves and learn dialogical language.
Inner child work is an important aspect of Deep Talk, allowing individuals to connect with their playful and curious nature.


Deep Talk, coaching, inner language, community, storytelling, inner child work, working counseling, Out of The Box