Claire went to a workshop that Ruth Davey ran about seeing differently. She was so intrigued that she invited Ruth to come and talk more about noticing. It’s a great conversation - and Claire gets a new insight into what coaching is!


A fun take on looking, and mindful photography. Ruth discusses the power of mindful photography and the art of noticing. She shares insights on reframing, systemic thinking, and the impact of seeing differently. The conversation explores the connection between seeing, feeling, and caring for oneself and others, as well as the potential for regenerative change.



The power of mindful photography in reframing and seeing differently
The connection between seeing, feeling, and caring for oneself and others
The potential for regenerative change through systemic thinking and mindful action


Contact Ruth Davey [email protected]



mindful photography, noticing, reframing, systemic thinking, regenerative change, seeing differently, feeling deeply, caring for oneself and others