Lucy Bolster is training with 3D and emailed us to say we absolutely had to meet Kathryn Lord from . The sense of delight, wonder and enjoyment in human interaction is strongly present in both of these kinds of conversations

The core values of OOB - breathe, trust, listen, feel, wonder, play, love - are the internal process I try to inhabit when I'm in a coaching conversation with others

The coaching outlook which says trust the process and trust that the other person has what they need to do the work they need to do, echoes so strongly with my experience of using OOB storytelling to open up conversation. (it doesn't mean I always manage to do it though!)

Both approaches advocate creating a container for the work which needs to be done in that moment. There is a recognition that this is what is needed in order for people to feel safe enough to be brave.  As a facilitator/coach I notice this is what I need too, both these approaches support me in curbing my own inner desire to 'sort it out'.

There is a lightness to both types of conversation (bit of a nebular term I know), maybe playfulness is another way of putting it. Even when we're opening a space to talk about painful, complex or long-term entrenched situations, I find space for gentle smiles and loving humour in the conversations.

So we said come and chat at The Coaching Inn. And we uncovered another way of changing the medium in coaching, exploring the value of ritual, embodied learning, and engaging even more of our senses.


You can also watch the video of the conversation on our YouTube channel


Contact Kathryn [email protected]