Many pastors view porn. It is a tragic reality. It is a weapon Satan uses to hobble the people of God and the servants of God. Do you view porn? I'm not saying you're addicted or anything - I'm just asking if you view it? Regularly? Real regularly? Frequently or infrequently? Too much? Just enough? Maybe a little? Etc. Etc. You see my point. Porn rots our souls.

Of course, our threshold for porn is much higher now than it used to be. So much of what is considered normal viewing would have been considered pornographic forty years ago.

There is HOPE. Today I want to give you a simple, yet serious solution on how to begin the process of crawling out of a porn addiction. It's not easy. But it is doable! You can do it. It's not rocket science, but you have to take a few steps. Here we go...

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