Bonni Stachowiak
Teaching in Higher Ed

Question from Nancy
I am in a situation myself right now where I was promoted awhile back as it stands right now. I manager a team, but I don't have salary discussions or assessments with them.

My manager has said he is willing to give me the mandate I want and to form the role together with me. This is flattering and scary at the same time. My longterm goal is to become a director.

Now I am thinking, perhaps I should ask for the responsibility of having the assessments and salary discussions with the team? I am thinking it might be a good step towards my longterm goal. If you have any wise advice I would appreciate your input. I am a little lost.
Audio Question from Jeff

Dave mentioned episode #190: How to Improve Your Coaching Skills with Tom Henschel
Dave mentioned Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People*
Bonni mentioned Peter Block’s book Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used*
Dave mentioned his past article, 8 Ways to Influence Without Authority

Question from Tyler
I read in a Forbes article that 89 of the Fortune 100 companies are now using MBTI to help match employees to roles. My company does not presently use this, but I have done some work on it with my team. Actually, a personal interest and goal of mine would be to eventually become a trainer in this subject, both for MBTI and DiSC. Do you know anyone who works with these and how I might network or "mentee" with someone who does this?

We mentioned the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) by CPP
Radiance House has fabulous publications for MBTI work
Susan Gerke is a resource for MBTI work
Doug McRae is a resource for DiSC work

Audio Question from Nathaniel
“Advice just doesn’t work unless it’s asked for.” -Bonni Stachowiak

Bonni mentioned Pinboard (Dave’s library)
Bonni mentioned OmniFocus for managing tasks
Bonni mentioned TextExpander for automating common keyboard entries

Question from Joseph
I work in a retail business chain. In the past year, my company has really embraced leadership, and servant leadership at the highest level. I feel like they have done a wonderful job in sharing the message with the upper management/team leads at all of our locations, however I don't feel like it has traveled well to our assistant team leads, departments, or entry level team members, thus, not truly changing our culture.

I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how I could help better achieve this at my location. I was thinking about holding small store leadership/development sessions, but am at a standstill on how to structure and execute them. Any thoughts or advice?
Question from Stefan
Part of my job is also creation and implementation of all relevant procedures and policies within the Company. Currently, I am "producing" so called Open door policy. I have some questions about suitable content of such a policy. It is not just about the "open door", so willingness of managers to accept employees and speak with them about their personal problems, daily issues. I think it is much more the right of employees to "raise their voice", so to address suggestions, complaints etc, how to solve problems etc. Do you have some proper name for time when manager has free time for employees, for example chat with manager, open hour with manager?

Dave mention John Kotter’s book Leading Change*


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The next Q&A show is episode 208

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