We have taken a purposeful shift with this mini series whilst we are all grappling with the challenges of #covid19 impact, and have spoken to a number of business and HR leaders who have been dealing with this is various organisations.

We wanted to understand lessons learned, changes made and how they want to emerge into a different place when this is over.

The series is called 'Setting Your Sat Nav for the End of Lock Down'.

We are also joined by another coach, Duncan Skelton to bring some other insightful understandings to the conversation.

And we explore areas like the below:

> Personal leadership/Professional Leadership during these times

> Crisis management

>Individual Wellbeing and Collective Wellbeing

> Spheres of Influence - personally and professionally,

> Accountability

> Resiliency rather than efficiency.


Would love to hear what you have to say on this matter, please engage and comment. Thank you.