In this episode of Coaching Confidential we begin a series of conversations with professional coaches on the topic of what is different in their life since they've chosen coaching as a profession.

Our first conversation is with Terry Barkman of Sailboat Coaching International. Terry and Lisa chat about one aspect of how personal relationships are impacted by coach-like behaviors. Terry will tell us about one relationship that faced a dead end and how he thinks about the idea that "the conversation between two people IS actually the relationship between two people." Finally, we explore how some skills learned in coaching school are actually valuable relationship resources in human relationship. And how these are sometimes confused for coaching. A topic we'll dive into more deeply in future episodes.

Editors note: The statement: "The conversation IS the relationship" was so powerful for me (Lisa) that I wrote this piece about it. A great coaching indoor utilizing #perspective and #curiosity to get #clarity on some of your relationship #values.

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